Well, I still haven't gotten the chance to play much with my KNK yet, but I have been reading through all the manuals and paperwork to try to familiarize myself with everything. Things seem to have been crazy busy. Last week, I had Britt at the doctors. She has some problem with her shoulder, so they did some x-rays and are waiting to schedule an MRI. While we were there, they did a strep test. The quick one in the office came back negative and they called me the next day to say the overnight test was also negative. Then they called me Wednesday and said yes, it finally turned positive. Then, Tyler had his four year old check up this Monday. He is doing very well, but the doctor says she sees signs of tooth decay so he needs to see a dentist asap. So I am working on finding one I am comfortable with. He also got two shots. He wasn't very happy about it, but did a great job. Although, that night, he screamed like he was having his arm ripped off when Daddy took off the band aid.
Over the weekend, we found a new car. I had been wanting to upgrade from my Explorer to something with third row seating for a little while now. We had been looking, but not really finding anything I cared for that was in our price range. Well, I found a Suburban listed on Craig's list that was only right down the street from us. So we looked it over and had my dad (my mechanic) check it over. He said it was a great deal. So I am now driving it, lol. I am so happy with it.
Not much scrappy going on, so I figured I would catch up by posting pics of a couple layouts I did last week. Here they are:
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