Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SSOOO Excited!

I am so excited! I always try to participate in the Saturday Scraplift Challenge over at YMBD. I love the site, the ladies, the challenges, and Cat is so great over there. Anyway, I usually participate and don't expect to win anything, even though it is a random draw, lol. But this week, my layout below, won! And my layout is on the blog! I got a $5.00 gift certificate for the store so of course I had to hurry up and send it as I can never have enough of her stuff. So then, I go to the store, and another one of my layout is right on the front page where she adds layouts where customers have used her products. She has my Chuck E Cheese layout of Tyler, titled Fun. I used her mini notebook page journaling spots. Just another of her MANY great products! That just totally made my whole week!

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